Class Circle

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Circle
extends java.lang.Object
implements Shape
Circles, much like rectangles, and literally any other shape, are... cool? Maybe?

Circles are a lot more complex mathematically than their linear counterparts. I'm writing a lot of code that doesn't really do much right now and I'm not near any pencils and paper so I don't feel like working out the math to figure out how to detect things like line-circle collisions and even circle-circle collisions, but I'm sure I'll get around to that somewhere in the near enough future.

If you'll notice, this circle actually has two component circles contained within it - one labelled "circle," and the other; "hitbox." My reasoning behind doing this has nothing to do with liking to type out GigaArc (GigaArc GigaArc GigaArc GigaArc GigaArc GigaArc) and more to do with the fact that circles are a tad bit finicky and I have a feeling the hitbox might come in handy for future collision detection (and hopefully avoidance).

Note that circles are a lot less expensive than rectangles and they have significantly fewer components. If you have a situation in which a circle could serve as a substitute for a rectangle...

Colin Robertson
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    Point center
    The center-point of the circle.
    private GigaArc circle
    The internal component for the circle.
    private GigaArc hitbox
    The internal component for the circle's hitbox.
    double hitboxRadius
    The radius of the circle's hitbox.
    double radius
    The radius of the circle itself.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Circle​(Point center, double radius, double hitboxRadius)
    Create a new circle.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean doesLineIntersectWithCircle​(Line line)
    A method to determine whether or not a line intersects with a circle.
    int getComponents()
    Get a count of the components in the circle.
    boolean isLineInShape​(Line line)
    Check whether or not a line enters a shape.
    boolean isPointInShape​(Point point)
    See whether or not a point is inside of a shape.
    boolean isPointNearShape​(Point point)
    See whether or not a point is near (within the hitbox of) a certain circle.
    boolean isPointNearShape​(Point point, double tolerance)
    Get whether or not a given point is within a certain distance of a circle.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • circle

      private final GigaArc circle
      The internal component for the circle.
    • hitbox

      private final GigaArc hitbox
      The internal component for the circle's hitbox.
    • center

      public final Point center
      The center-point of the circle.
    • radius

      public final double radius
      The radius of the circle itself.
    • hitboxRadius

      public final double hitboxRadius
      The radius of the circle's hitbox.
  • Constructor Details

    • Circle

      public Circle​(Point center, double radius, double hitboxRadius)
      Create a new circle.
      center - the center-point of the circle.
      radius - the radius of the circle. The radius of the circle isn't as important as the hitbox radius, which you'll see in a moment.
      hitboxRadius - the radius of the circle's hitbox. Hitboxes, in the context of circles, are what the map sees as a collidable object. By default, the regular circle radius doesn't do much for collisions. However, the hitbox radius does. So cool!
  • Method Details

    • isPointInShape

      public boolean isPointInShape​(Point point)
      See whether or not a point is inside of a shape.
      Specified by:
      isPointInShape in interface Shape
      point - the point to check. This could be, for example, one of the end points of a rectangle, a square, the mid-point of a circle, the mid-point (or even quarter-point (or even eighth-point)) of a line.
      whether the point is in the circle.
    • isLineInShape

      public boolean isLineInShape​(Line line)
      Check whether or not a line enters a shape.

      TODO implement this method!!!

      Specified by:
      isLineInShape in interface Shape
      line - the line to check.
      whether or not the line enters the shape.
    • isPointNearShape

      public boolean isPointNearShape​(Point point)
      See whether or not a point is near (within the hitbox of) a certain circle.
      point - the point to test.
      whether or not the point is within the circle's hitbox area.
    • isPointNearShape

      public boolean isPointNearShape​(Point point, double tolerance)
      Get whether or not a given point is within a certain distance of a circle.
      point - the point to check for.
      tolerance - how far away the point can be (max).
      whether the point meets our qualifications and wins a grand prize.
    • doesLineIntersectWithCircle

      public boolean doesLineIntersectWithCircle​(Line line)
      A method to determine whether or not a line intersects with a circle.

      Just to pre-write some ideas for future use, this could possibly be attempted by doing the following, assuming math is out of the question.

       1. Create another (larger) hitbox circle to determine if it's worth
          even looking for an intersection in the first place.
       2. Find the closest point on the line to the radius. If that point is
          less than or equal to the radius of the circle (not the hitbox),
          then that line must be touching.
       3. Check on the line to make sure the point in question is in fact
          on the line and not floating off in space. We'll have to see how
          this plays out, however - oh well.

      whether or not a line intersects with a circle.
    • getComponents

      public int getComponents()
      Get a count of the components in the circle.
      Specified by:
      getComponents in interface Shape
      4. Because 4.