Class RotationalVelocity


public class RotationalVelocity
extends java.lang.Object
A representation of a rotational velocity force. This force is measured in either rotations per second or rotations per minute. Either way works just fine. This class was created mostly to simplify the process of writing code that modifies swerve module values for swerve module odometry.
Colin Robertson
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    static class  RotationalVelocity.Type
    Different types of rotational velocity measurement.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    private java.util.function.Supplier<java.lang.Double> velocitySupplier
    An internal access point for the wheel's rotational velocity.
    private RotationalVelocity.Type velocityType
    An internal reference to what type of velocity this instance of the RotationalVelocity is - RPS or RPM.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    RotationalVelocity​(java.util.function.Supplier<java.lang.Double> velocitySupplier, RotationalVelocity.Type velocityType)
    Create a new RotationalVelocity instance.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    double get​(RotationalVelocity.Type type)
    Get the wheel's rotational velocity in whatever type is specified.
    double getRotationsPerMinute()
    Get the velocity, notated in rotations per minute (RPM)
    double getRotationsPerSecond()
    Get the velocity, notated in rotations per second (RPS)
    static double perMinuteToPerSecond​(double perMinute)
    Convert rotations per minute to rotations per second.
    static double perSecondToPerMinute​(double perSecond)
    Convert rotations per second to rotations per minute.
    private double raw()
    Get the raw velocity of the wheel.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • velocitySupplier

      private final java.util.function.Supplier<java.lang.Double> velocitySupplier
      An internal access point for the wheel's rotational velocity.
    • velocityType

      private final RotationalVelocity.Type velocityType
      An internal reference to what type of velocity this instance of the RotationalVelocity is - RPS or RPM.
  • Constructor Details

    • RotationalVelocity

      public RotationalVelocity​(java.util.function.Supplier<java.lang.Double> velocitySupplier, RotationalVelocity.Type velocityType)
      Create a new RotationalVelocity instance.
      velocitySupplier - a method that is capable of supplying the velocity of the given wheel. This method should call some sort of a "getVelocity()" method that will determine the wheel's velocity based on an encoder.
      velocityType - what type of velocity is being used. In general, this is most often RPM, not RPS. Unless you know for certain that this is measured in RPS and not RPM, you should just use RPM.
  • Method Details

    • perSecondToPerMinute

      public static double perSecondToPerMinute​(double perSecond)
      Convert rotations per second to rotations per minute.
      perSecond - the value to convert.
      the converted value.
    • perMinuteToPerSecond

      public static double perMinuteToPerSecond​(double perMinute)
      Convert rotations per minute to rotations per second.
      perMinute - the value to convert.
      the converted value.
    • raw

      private double raw()
      Get the raw velocity of the wheel.
      the wheel's raw velocity.
    • get

      public double get​(RotationalVelocity.Type type)
      Get the wheel's rotational velocity in whatever type is specified.
      type - the type of velocity to get.
      the wheel's velocity, in whatever type you specified.
    • getRotationsPerSecond

      public double getRotationsPerSecond()
      Get the velocity, notated in rotations per second (RPS)
      the velocity of the target, notated in RPS
    • getRotationsPerMinute

      public double getRotationsPerMinute()
      Get the velocity, notated in rotations per minute (RPM)
      the velocity of the target, notated in RPM