Class SegmentInterpolator


public class SegmentInterpolator
extends java.lang.Object
Instantiable class used in interpreting a segment based on percentage X or percentage Y values. Segments themselves are very lovely, but are based on raw coordinate values, which can be rather challenging to work with when attempting to follow along multiple segments. To counteract this issue, we can use interpolators for each segment that allow us to use a percent of completion value to determine the next target point, allowing us to smoothly follow a lovely segment.
Colin Robertson
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    private double minX
    The minimum X value contained in the segment.
    private double minY
    The minimum Y value contained in the segment.
    private Segment segment
    The segment which will be interpolated.
    private double sizeX
    The size of the range between the minimum and maximum X values.
    private double sizeY
    The size of the range between the minimum and maximum Y values.
    private me.wobblyyyy.intra.ftc2.utils.math.Range xRange
    A range of X values.
    private me.wobblyyyy.intra.ftc2.utils.math.Range yRange
    A range of Y values.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    SegmentInterpolator​(Segment segment)
    Create a new SegmentInterpolator that will interpolate the provided segment to the best of its ability.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Point atPercent​(double percent)
    Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    This method's return values can be inaccurate for certain types of segments, specifically monotone cubic splines.
    Point atPercentX​(double percentX)
    Get an X-Y point based a percentage of completion of the total X axis range.
    Point atPercentY​(double percentY)
    Get an X-Y point based a percentage of completion of the total Y axis range.
    double percentX​(double x)
    Determine what percentage of completion a specific X value is associated with on the segment.
    double percentY​(double y)
    Determine what percentage of completion a specific Y value is associated with on the segment.
    boolean valid​(Point point)
    Check to see if the provided point is valid.
    boolean validX​(double x)
    Check to see if the provided value fits within the range of the minimum to the maximum X value.
    boolean validY​(double y)
    Check to see if the provided value fits within the range of the minimum to the maximum Y value.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • segment

      private final Segment segment
      The segment which will be interpolated.
    • minX

      private final double minX
      The minimum X value contained in the segment.
    • minY

      private final double minY
      The minimum Y value contained in the segment.
    • sizeX

      private final double sizeX
      The size of the range between the minimum and maximum X values.
    • sizeY

      private final double sizeY
      The size of the range between the minimum and maximum Y values.
    • xRange

      private final me.wobblyyyy.intra.ftc2.utils.math.Range xRange
      A range of X values.
    • yRange

      private final me.wobblyyyy.intra.ftc2.utils.math.Range yRange
      A range of Y values.
  • Constructor Details

    • SegmentInterpolator

      public SegmentInterpolator​(Segment segment)
      Create a new SegmentInterpolator that will interpolate the provided segment to the best of its ability.
      segment - the segment that should be interpolated.
  • Method Details

    • validX

      public boolean validX​(double x)
      Check to see if the provided value fits within the range of the minimum to the maximum X value.
      x - the X value to check.
      whether or not the provided X value is within the range of the minimum and maximum values. This value is "valid" if it fits within the range and "invalid" if it does not.
    • validY

      public boolean validY​(double y)
      Check to see if the provided value fits within the range of the minimum to the maximum Y value.
      y - the Y value to check.
      whether or not the provided Y value is within the range of the minimum and maximum values. This value is "valid" if it fits within the range and "invalid" if it does not.
    • valid

      public boolean valid​(Point point)
      Check to see if the provided point is valid. Point validity is based on whether or not the respective X and Y values are "valid", which is determined using the validX(double) and validY(double) methods.
      point - the point that will be checked for validity.
      whether or not the given point is "valid," meaning each the X and Y values are in-range.
    • percentX

      public double percentX​(double x)
      Determine what percentage of completion a specific X value is associated with on the segment.
      x - the X value to get the percentage of completion from.
      the percentage of completion based on the specified X value. If the requested X value is not contained in the segment, this method will return -1, rather than a percentage of completion. If the requested value IS contained on the segment, however, this method will return a number from 0 to 1 indicating the percentage that specified value corresponds to on the segment.
    • percentY

      public double percentY​(double y)
      Determine what percentage of completion a specific Y value is associated with on the segment.
      y - the Y value to get the percentage of completion from.
      the percentage of completion based on the specified Y value. If the requested Y value is not contained in the segment, this method will return -1, rather than a percentage of completion. If the requested value IS contained on the segment, however, this method will return a number from 0 to 1 indicating the percentage that specified value corresponds to on the segment.
    • atPercentX

      public Point atPercentX​(double percentX)
      Get an X-Y point based a percentage of completion of the total X axis range. This percentage should always fit within the range of 0 to 1.

      This method works by multiplying the inputted percentage value by the total size of the requested axis and then adding the minimum value of that axis to the product of the percentage and the total size. Such, this percentage will always return a real solution, assuming it fits within the defined range of 0 to 1. Anything outside of that range will be interpreted by the segment handler.

      percentX - the percentage of completion to get a point from. This percentage should always fit within the range of 0 to 1, can not be negative, and should be greater than 0 in nearly all cases.
      a point at the given percentage of completion along the requested axis. The return value of this method is left up to the segment's implementation of the Segment.interpolateFromX(double) method.
    • atPercentY

      public Point atPercentY​(double percentY)
      Get an X-Y point based a percentage of completion of the total Y axis range. This percentage should always fit within the range of 0 to 1.

      This method works by multiplying the inputted percentage value by the total size of the requested axis and then adding the minimum value of that axis to the product of the percentage and the total size. Such, this percentage will always return a real solution, assuming it fits within the defined range of 0 to 1. Anything outside of that range will be interpreted by the segment handler.

      percentY - the percentage of completion to get a point from. This percentage should always fit within the range of 0 to 1, can not be negative, and should be greater than 0 in nearly all cases.
      a point at the given percentage of completion along the requested axis. The return value of this method is left up to the segment's implementation of the Segment.interpolateFromY(double) method.
    • atPercent

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) public Point atPercent​(double percent)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      This method's return values can be inaccurate for certain types of segments, specifically monotone cubic splines. Use either the atPercentX(double) or atPercentY(double) methods instead of this one.
      Get a point based on a completion percentage, 0 to 1.
      percent - the percentage to check for.
      the point at the completion percentage.