Class Angle


public class Angle
extends java.lang.Object
A representation of an angle. Angles are defined as... well, angles. I'd hope you know what an angle is before trying to program a robot capable of dynamic and reactive autonomous navigation. Anyways, angles can be expressed in either radians or degrees. The purpose of this class is to make sure that angles are expressed in the correct form - either radians or degrees - when they should be in that form.
Colin Robertson
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    private double angleDegrees
    The angle, notated in degrees.
    private double angleRadians
    The angle, notated in radians.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Angle​(double angleDegrees)
    Create a new angle based off a measurement in degrees.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    double cos()
    Get the angle's cosine.
    double cot()
    Get the angle's cotangent.
    double csc()
    Get the angle's cosecant.
    Angle divide​(Angle angle)
    Divide the current angle by the input angle.
    static Angle divide​(Angle angle1, Angle angle2)
    Divide angle1 by angle2.
    static Angle fromDegrees​(double degrees)
    Create a new angle from a measurement in degrees.
    static Angle fromRadians​(double radians)
    Create a new angle from a measurement in radians.
    double getDegrees()
    Get the angle in degrees.
    double getRadians()
    Get the angle in radians.
    Angle minus​(Angle angle)
    Subtract the input angle from the current angle.
    static Angle minus​(Angle angle1, Angle angle2)
    Subtract angle2 from angle1.
    Angle plus​(Angle angle)
    Add the input angle to the current angle.
    static Angle plus​(Angle angle1, Angle angle2)
    Add two angles together.
    double sec()
    Get the angle's secant.
    double sin()
    Get the angle's sine.
    double tan()
    Get the angle's tangent.
    Angle times​(Angle angle)
    Multiply the current angle by the input angle.
    static Angle times​(Angle angle1, Angle angle2)
    Multiply angle1 and angle2 together.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • angleDegrees

      private final double angleDegrees
      The angle, notated in degrees.
    • angleRadians

      private final double angleRadians
      The angle, notated in radians.
  • Constructor Details

    • Angle

      public Angle​(double angleDegrees)
      Create a new angle based off a measurement in degrees.
      angleDegrees - the angle, represented in degrees.
      See Also:
      fromDegrees(double), fromRadians(double)
  • Method Details

    • fromDegrees

      public static Angle fromDegrees​(double degrees)
      Create a new angle from a measurement in degrees.
      degrees - the degree measurement of the angle.
      a new angle based on the desired measurement.
      See Also:
      Angle(double), fromRadians(double)
    • fromRadians

      public static Angle fromRadians​(double radians)
      Create a new angle from a measurement in radians.
      radians - the degree measurement of the angle.
      a new angle based on the desired measurement.
      See Also:
      Angle(double), fromDegrees(double)
    • getDegrees

      public double getDegrees()
      Get the angle in degrees.
      the angle in degrees.
    • getRadians

      public double getRadians()
      Get the angle in radians.
      the angle in radians.
    • cos

      public double cos()
      Get the angle's cosine.
      the angle's cosine.
    • sin

      public double sin()
      Get the angle's sine.
      the angle's sine.
    • tan

      public double tan()
      Get the angle's tangent.
      the angle's tangent.
    • sec

      public double sec()
      Get the angle's secant.
      the angle's secant.
    • csc

      public double csc()
      Get the angle's cosecant.
      the angle's cosecant.
    • cot

      public double cot()
      Get the angle's cotangent.
      the angle's cotangent.
    • plus

      public Angle plus​(Angle angle)
      Add the input angle to the current angle.
      angle - the angle to add.
      a new angle based on the current and the input angle.
    • minus

      public Angle minus​(Angle angle)
      Subtract the input angle from the current angle.
      angle - the angle to subtract.
      a new angle based on the current and the input angle.
    • times

      public Angle times​(Angle angle)
      Multiply the current angle by the input angle.
      angle - the angle to multiply by.
      a new angle based on the current and the input angle.
    • divide

      public Angle divide​(Angle angle)
      Divide the current angle by the input angle.
      angle - the angle to divide by.
      a new angle based on the current and the input angle.
    • plus

      public static Angle plus​(Angle angle1, Angle angle2)
      Add two angles together.
      angle1 - one of the two angles to add.
      angle2 - one of the two angles to add.
      the sum of the two angles.
    • minus

      public static Angle minus​(Angle angle1, Angle angle2)
      Subtract angle2 from angle1.
      angle1 - one of the two angles to subtract.
      angle2 - one of the two angles to subtract.
      the difference of the two angles.
    • times

      public static Angle times​(Angle angle1, Angle angle2)
      Multiply angle1 and angle2 together.
      angle1 - one of the two angles to multiply.
      angle2 - one of the two angles to multiply.
      the angles multiplied together.
    • divide

      public static Angle divide​(Angle angle1, Angle angle2)
      Divide angle1 by angle2.
      angle1 - one of the two angles to divide.
      angle2 - one of the two angles to divide.
      the quotient of the two angles.