Class Rectangle

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Rectangle
extends java.lang.Object
implements Shape
The most basic of the geometric shapes used in the field mapping portion of this code.

Just as a quick notice: this code is really old. Like, really old. As in at least 6 months, which is quite old for a new project. Anyways. If you find yourself looking at this comment right here and you'd like to make this code better, be my guest.

The four lines; top, right, bottom, and left, are used for collision detection. Mostly everything else in this class is fairly useless.

The following words are used frequently throughout this class. Some of those words have the same meaning.

  • TOP (or FRONT)
  • BOTTOM (or BACK)
  • LEFT
In case you have not yet noticed, all of these words are relative words - meaning that they're relative to whatever angle the rectangle is being viewed at. Rather than further complicating the way in which this library's geometry system works, I decided to stick with (quite simple) relative words. This does mean, however, that you'll need to keep track of which side is which somehow. I don't care how you do it, or if you even do it at all - but it might be at least a little bit helpful to have/do.

Colin Robertson
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    static class  Rectangle.Corners
    A list of different positions on a rectangle.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    Point backLeft
    The back-left corner of the rectangle.
    Point backRight
    The back-right corner of the rectangle.
    Line bottom
    The bottom of the rectangle.
    Point center
    The center of the rectangle.
    Rectangle.Corners drawCorner
    Which corner the rectangle should be drawn from.
    Point frontLeft
    The front-left corner of the rectangle.
    Point frontRight
    The front-right corner of the rectangle.
    Line left
    The left of the triangle.
    Line right
    The right of the rectangle.
    Rectangle.Corners rotateCorner
    The corner which the rectangle will be rotated from.
    double rotationalAngle
    The angle at which the entire rectangle should be rotate from.
    Point startingPoint
    The Point where the shape will be drawn from.
    Line top
    The top of the rectangle.
    double xDraw
    How far, in the X dimension, the rectangle should be drawn.
    double yDraw
    How far, in the Y dimension, the rectangle should be drawn.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Rectangle​(Rectangle.Corners drawCorner, Rectangle.Corners rotateCorner, Point startingPoint, double xDraw, double yDraw, double rotationalAngle)
    The one and only...
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean doesLineEnterShape​(Line line)
    Check whether or not a given line at any point enters our rectangle.
    boolean doesRectangleIntersect​(Rectangle rectangle)
    Check whether or not a given rectangle enters this rectangle.
    Point getCenterPoint()
    Get the very center of the rectangle, as a point.
    int getComponentCount()
    Get a count of how many components (lines) are in the rectangle.
    int getComponents()
    Get how many components are in the shape.
    boolean isLineInShape​(Line line)
    Check whether or not a given line is inside the shape.
    boolean isPointInShape​(Point point)
    Used to determine whether a given point is inside of the rectangle.
    private Point[] rotateAllPointsAroundFirstPoint​(Point[] points, double rotationFactor)
    A privately and internally used method for rotating three points around a fourth.
    private Point[] rotateArray​(Point[] arr, int reps)
    Rotate an array.
    Point rotatePoint​(Point center, Point point, double angle)
    Rotate a point around another point by a specified angle, notated in radians.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • frontRight

      public final Point frontRight
      The front-right corner of the rectangle. This is relative to the origin + rotation.
    • backRight

      public final Point backRight
      The back-right corner of the rectangle. This is relative to the origin + rotation.
    • frontLeft

      public final Point frontLeft
      The front-left corner of the rectangle. This is relative to the origin + rotation.
    • backLeft

      public final Point backLeft
      The back-left corner of the rectangle. This is relative to the origin + rotation.
    • center

      public final Point center
      The center of the rectangle. This is relative to the origin + rotation.
    • top

      public final Line top
      The top of the rectangle. This is relative to the origin + rotation.
    • bottom

      public final Line bottom
      The bottom of the rectangle. This is relative to the origin + rotation.
    • left

      public final Line left
      The left of the triangle. This is relative to the origin + rotation.
    • drawCorner

      public final Rectangle.Corners drawCorner
      Which corner the rectangle should be drawn from. This is NOT always the same corner which the rectangle will be rotated from, however - just the corner it'll be drawn from. X and Y are relative to this corner, meaning top right's Y draw would have a different impact than bottom left's Y draw - one (top right) would be negative, and the other (bottom left) would be positive.
    • rotateCorner

      public final Rectangle.Corners rotateCorner
      The corner which the rectangle will be rotated from. You don't need to rotate the rectangle, by the way - it's an entirely optional step. If you don't want to rotate the rectangle, you can use any corner (CENTER or maybe your drawCorner) as the corner of rotation, and set the rotation angle to 0, representing a net change of zero rotation.
    • startingPoint

      public final Point startingPoint
      The Point where the shape will be drawn from. This point is directly correlative to drawCorner - having a drawCorner of top right means that this code will interpret the starting point as the top right corner of the rectangle, and thus draw the rectangle as so. Make sure that this is the correct corner. Assuming you're familiar with something such as JavaScript's "canvas" functionality, you will (most often) want to use the top left corner as a starting point and figure out the Point of said corner.
    • xDraw

      public final double xDraw
      How far, in the X dimension, the rectangle should be drawn. Note that this is relative to which corner the rectangle is being drawn from. Having a draw corner of top left means that both X and Y draws are negative.
    • yDraw

      public final double yDraw
      How far, in the Y dimension, the rectangle should be drawn. Note that this is relative to which corner the rectangle is being drawn from. Having a draw corner of the top left means that both X and Y draws are negative.
    • rotationalAngle

      public final double rotationalAngle
      The angle at which the entire rectangle should be rotate from. I believe that this angle is in radians, and any code you write using this angle should reflect that. If you have an angle which is in degrees, Java's native math class should include a function for converting degrees to radians.
  • Constructor Details

    • Rectangle

      public Rectangle​(Rectangle.Corners drawCorner, Rectangle.Corners rotateCorner, Point startingPoint, double xDraw, double yDraw, double rotationalAngle)
      The one and only... rectangle constructor!

      Rectangle construction and calculation is rather expensive compared to other operations related to shapes. This code is pretty old and pretty shitty - if you have the time to revise it, and have the kindness in your cold, cold, cold heart to do so, that would be greatly appreciated.

      drawCorner - which corner the rectangle should be drawn from. This is NOT always the same corner which the rectangle will be rotated from, however - just the corner it'll be drawn from. X and Y are relative to this corner, meaning top right's Y draw would have a different impact than bottom left's Y draw - one (top right) would be negative, and the other (bottom left) would be positive.
      rotateCorner - the corner which the rectangle will be rotated from. You don't need to rotate the rectangle, by the way - it's an entirely optional step. If you don't want to rotate the rectangle, you can use any corner (CENTER or maybe your drawCorner) as the corner of rotation, and set the rotation angle to 0, representing a net change of zero rotation.
      startingPoint - the Point where the shape will be drawn from. This point is directly correlative to drawCorner - having a drawCorner of top right means that this code will interpret the starting point as the top right corner of the rectangle, and thus draw the rectangle as so. Make sure that this is the correct corner. Assuming you're familiar with something such as JavaScript's "canvas" functionality, you will (most often) want to use the top left corner as a starting point and figure out the Point of said corner.
      xDraw - how far, in the X dimension, the rectangle should be drawn. Note that this is relative to which corner the rectangle is being drawn from. Having a draw corner of top left means that both X and Y draws are negative.
      yDraw - how far, in the Y dimension, the rectangle should be drawn. Note that this is relative to which corner the rectangle is being drawn from. Having a draw corner of the top left means that both X and Y draws are negative.
      rotationalAngle - the angle at which the entire rectangle should be rotate from. I believe that this angle is in radians, and any code you write using this angle should reflect that. If you have an angle which is in degrees, Java's native math class should include a function for converting degrees to radians.
  • Method Details

    • rotatePoint

      public Point rotatePoint​(Point center, Point point, double angle)
      Rotate a point around another point by a specified angle, notated in radians. (Or at least I think so.)
      center - the center point to rotate around - in other words, this is the "axis" or "origin."
      point - the point which should be rotated around the center.
      angle - the angle, in radians, depicting how far the point should be rotated around the center point.
      the freshly rotated point.
    • rotateAllPointsAroundFirstPoint

      private Point[] rotateAllPointsAroundFirstPoint​(Point[] points, double rotationFactor)
      A privately and internally used method for rotating three points around a fourth.
      points - the array of points to use.
      rotationFactor - how far the points should be rotated.
      a freshly rotated array.
    • rotateArray

      private Point[] rotateArray​(Point[] arr, int reps)
      Rotate an array. This doesn't mean rotate them geometrically, or relative to another point on a cartesian Point plane. Rather, this literally just means to rotate the array as if it's an infinitely scrolling array, which Java obviously doesn't have.
      arr - the array
      reps - how many times it should be rotated
      a rotated array
    • isPointInShape

      public boolean isPointInShape​(Point point)
      Used to determine whether a given point is inside of the rectangle.

      This functions by finding the maximums of all of the X and Y positions of our rectangle and ensuring that the given point fits in between the range of the aforementioned maximums and the later-calculated minimums.

      Specified by:
      isPointInShape in interface Shape
      point - the point to check
      whether or not the point is inside the rectangle
    • doesRectangleIntersect

      public boolean doesRectangleIntersect​(Rectangle rectangle)
      Check whether or not a given rectangle enters this rectangle.

      This might need optimization in the future. I'm not really sure how powerful the control hub is or how many calculations per second it can do or whatever metric you'd like to use, but for now I'm just going to leave this as it is and hope it works.

      rectangle - the rectangle to check.
      whether the two rectangles intersect.
    • doesLineEnterShape

      public boolean doesLineEnterShape​(Line line)
      Check whether or not a given line at any point enters our rectangle.
      line - the line to check.
      whether that line enters the rectangle.
    • getComponentCount

      public int getComponentCount()
      Get a count of how many components (lines) are in the rectangle.

      This will obviously always be four - rectangles can only have four lines.

      how many lines there are.
    • getComponents

      public int getComponents()
      Get how many components are in the shape.
      Specified by:
      getComponents in interface Shape
      a list of all the components.
    • isLineInShape

      public boolean isLineInShape​(Line line)
      Description copied from interface: Shape
      Check whether or not a given line is inside the shape.

      Line-checks are the most expensive operation for a shape to perform, aside, of course, from initialization. Unless you have a very strong reason to use this method, the Shape.isPointInShape(Point) method is significantly more effective.

      Specified by:
      isLineInShape in interface Shape
      line - the line to check.
      whether or not the line intersects with the shape.
    • getCenterPoint

      public Point getCenterPoint()
      Get the very center of the rectangle, as a point.
      the center point of the shape