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Documentation Status

“Documentation Status” refers to the amount of which a given project is documented. There’s three different tiers of documentation, and they are as follows.

Fully Documented

This project is documented from head to toe. Every method, every line, every single character has it’s own documentation. On a more serious note, fully documented projects should have guides on using just about any portion of the externally-available code. Projects written in Java that fall into the “fully documented” category should have JavaDocs for every public-facing method and field - fully documented is the highest tier of documentation, both in quality and quantity.

Partially Documented

This project is documented well, but not well enough to earn itself the fully documented title. Partially documented projects can have anywhere from very little to very much documentation - regardless of the quantity of documentation, partially documented projects are the tier which the vast majority of projects will most likely fall into.


In case the title wasn’t obvious enough, undocumented projects… well, they simply aren’t documented. Undocumented is a rather vague term, and it has two meanings here:

  • There is absolutely not a bit of documentation present on the website.
  • There is so little documentation there might as well be absolutely none.