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Calibration is among the most important steps you’ll need to take in order to utilize Pathfinder as intended. It’s also one of the most boring.


What is calibration?

Calibration, in the context of Pathfinder, is the process of making sure your robot’s hardware and software are synced up (I know that’s a terribly non-technical way of explaining it, I’m sorry but I can’t think of anything better at the moment). You have to ensure that when you tell your robot to drive forwards, it will drive forwards. You must also ensure that your robot is correctly tracking its own position.

Calibration guide

Unfortunately, this isn’t a clearly-defined process: you’re just going to sort of have to figure it out, you know?

Steps to calibration

  1. Calibrating odometry
  2. Calibrating drive train
  3. Syncing both up

Calibrating odometry

You need to make sure your robot correctly reports its position. Because odometry can vary so much, the way you’ll have to calibrate your odometry system differs based on what robot you’re working with.

Pathfinder makes calibrating your odometry system (relatively) easy.

Implementing AbstractOdometry

You absolutely could implement the Odometry interface yourself, but it’s not a very fun experience: there’s a lot of methods. Instead, you should extend AbstractOdometry, just like this:

public class ExampleOdometry extends AbstractOdometry {
    public PointXYZ getRawPosition() {
        // your odometry code goes here. this method should return the robot's
        // position, without modifying it in any way

        return new PointXYZ(0, 0, 0);

Testing your odometry implementation

Now that you’ve implemented odometry, it’s time to test it.

public class ExampleOdometryTester {
    public void testOdometry() {
        Odometry odometry = new ExampleOdometry();

        while (true) {

Instead of using standard output, you should definitely check out a better tool.


Use Telemetry.

public class ExampleOdometryTester extends OpMode {
    public void testOdometry() {
        Odometry odometry = new ExampleOdometry();

        while (true) {
            telemetry.addData("position", odometry.getPosition());

Use SmartDashboard.

public class ExampleOdometryTester {
    public void testOdometry() {
        Odometry odometry = new ExampleOdometry();

        while (true) {
            SmartDashboard.putString("position", odometry.getPosition());

Fixing broken odometry

Unless there’s a hardware issue or you’re using some bad math, odometry will always be fixable. Pathfinder provides a very easy way to do exactly that: check out “modifiers.”

What’s a modifier?

A modifier is a function that modifies a value. Odometry uses this to allow you to virtually offset your position - you can make your robot “think” it’s at (0, 0) when it’s really at (10, 10).

A modifier is defined technically as a Function<T, T>. T can be any type. The function should take one instance of T as a parameter and return a modified version of that parameter.

Java’s lambda syntax makes modifiers very easy to make. Here’s an example of a modifier that does nothing at all:

public class ExampleModifier {
    public void testOdometry() {
        Odometry odometry = new ExampleOdometry();
        odometry.setModifier((position) -> {
            return position;

… and here’s an example of a modifier that swaps the X and the Y values of the robot’s position. This is done quite commonly to make odometry systems more workable for a given environment.

public class ExampleModifier {
    public void testOdometry() {
        Odometry odometry = new ExampleOdometry();
        odometry.setModifier((position) -> {
            return new PointXYZ(

Creating a good modifier

When making a modifier, you need to know what you want it to do: you need to have a problem that requires a solution, and then a solution to that problem.

Here are some of the most common issues you may encounter, and a modifier to fix it.

X, Y, or both is/are inverted

How do you know if one of these values is inverted? Simply log your robot’s position and move it around. If either the X, Y, or both value(s) is/are moving the wrong way (decreasing when it should be increasing or increasing when it should be decreasing), you can use a modifier to correct the issue.

public class ExampleModifier {
    public void testOdometry() {
        Odometry odometry = new ExampleOdometry();
        odometry.setModifier((position) -> {
            return new PointXYZ(
                position.x() * -1, // invert this one
                position.y() * 1,  // don't invert this one
                position.z()       // don't invert this one
X and Y are swapped

Although I’ve already included a modifier that swaps X and Y, there’s no harm in including it again, right? You can swap the X and Y values by creating a new PointXYZ and inputting the following:

  • X: position.y()
  • Y: position.x()
  • Z: position.z()

Notice how X and Y are simply swapped - yeah, that’s just about it.

public class ExampleModifier {
    public void testOdometry() {
        Odometry odometry = new ExampleOdometry();
        odometry.setModifier((position) -> {
            return new PointXYZ(
A combination of inversion and swapped axes

If neither an inversion nor a swap will fix your odometry issues, you might have to resort to a combination of both of them. This modifier, for example, will (1) swap X and Y values and then (2) invert the NEW Y values.

public class ExampleModifier {
    public void testOdometry() {
        Odometry odometry = new ExampleOdometry();
        odometry.setModifier((position) -> {
            return new PointXYZ(
                position.x() * -1,

Calibrating drive train

Drive train calibration is very similiar to odometry calibration. You just need to make sure your robot goes forwards when you tell it to go forwards and rightwards when you tell it to go rightwards… you get the point.

Verifying orientation

Did you know that motors can have different orientations? The motors on the right side of a robot’s chassis will have the opposite orientation of the motors on the left side of the robot’s chassis.

It’s easy to verify orientation: simply write a program that slowly moves each of the motors, one by one, so you can observe to see which motors are aligned correctly and which motors are not aligned correctly.

Creating a drive train

Implementing the Drive interface isn’t hard as there aren’t very many methods.

public class ExampleDrive implements Drive {
    private Translation translation = new Translation(0, 0, 0);
    private Function<Translation, Translation> modifier = (t) -> t;

    public ExampleDrive() {


    public void setTranslation(Translation translation) {
        this.translation = translation;

        // there should also be code here that actually MOVES the robot
        // for wheeled robots, this is most often spinning a motor (or,
        // more accurately, several motors)

    public Translation getTranslation() {
        return translation;

    public void setModifier(Function<Translation, Translation> modifier) {
        this.modifier = modifier;

    public Function<Translation, Translation> getModifier() {
        return modifier;

Drive train modifiers

These aren’t anywhere near as useful as odometry modifiers, so I’m not going to write too much on them. You can make a modifier that changes the inputted translations, but there’s not much of a reason to do that.

Testing your calibration

Of course, you’re going to need to test your new calibration! This calibration test works by instructing the robot to move in the positive X direction and waiting for it to move 2 units (probably inches, meters?) in that direction. If it doesn’t ever move there, the loop will continue infinitely. Afterwards, it does the same, in the Y direction. After testing both positive X and positive Y movement, we do the same thing, but backwards: a negative X direction and a negative Y direction.

public class ExampleCalibrationTest {
    private final Odometry odometry = new ExampleOdometry();
    private final Drive drive = new ExampleDrive();
    private PointXYZ lastPosition;

    public void runTest() {
        PointXYZ position = odometry.getPosition();

        drive.setTranslation(new Translation(1, 0, 0));
        while (position.x() < 2) position = odometry.getPosition();

        drive.setTranslation(new Translation(0, 1, 0));
        while (position.y() < 2) position = odometry.getPosition();

        drive.setTranslation(new Translation(-1, 0, 0));
        while (position.x() > 0) position = odometry.getPosition();

        drive.setTranslation(new Translation(0, -1, 0));
        while (position.y() > 0) position = odometry.getPosition();