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Wait - Annotation Type in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.annotations
Indicate methods that block the current thread's execution until a certain condition has been met.
waitFor(PromisedFinder) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.api.Pathfinder
Wait for a path to finish being followed before continuing.
waitForAndStop(PromisedFinder) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.api.Pathfinder
Wait for a path's completion, stop the robot, and then continue.
wheelDiameter - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking.swerve.SwerveChassisTracker
The diameter of each of the four drive wheels.
wheelDiameter - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking.threeWheel.ThreeWheelChassisTracker
The diameter of each of the odometry wheels.
wheelPositions - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.SwerveKinematics
A container for each of the wheel positions on the robot.
wheelSize - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.SpeedConverter
The wheel's size.
WheelSize - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.math
WheelSize(double) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.math.WheelSize
width - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.core.PathfinderManager
The robot's width.
withHeading() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Point
Get a clone of this point with a heading of 0 degrees.
withHeading(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Point
Get a clone of this instanced point with a new heading.
withHeading(DynamicArray<Point>, HeadingPoint, HeadingPoint) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.core.PathfinderManager
Convert an DynamicArray of Point instances to an DynamicArray of HeadingPoint instances.
withHeading(Point, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Point
Get a clone of this point with a heading.
withNewHeading(Point, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.HeadingPoint
Get a HeadingPoint with a new z.
wrap(DynamicArray<Zone>) - Method in class
Wrap an entire field with four zones, to prevent the pathfinder from finding paths that are out-of-bounds.
wrappedDrive - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
Wrapper surrounding the robot's drive interface.
wrappedOdometry - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
A wrapper that surrounds the inputted rawOdometry system.
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