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mainThread - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.core.PathfinderManager
Main Pathfinder thread - optionally used.
MainThread - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.thread
MainThread(Arrayable<Runnable>) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.thread.MainThread
map - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
The field's map.
map - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder
map - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.core.PathfinderManager
The field's map.
Map - Class in
A representation of all of the physical elements on a playing field.
Map() - Constructor for class
Create a new map without any elements.
Map(DynamicArray<Zone>) - Constructor for class
Create a new map with a list of zones.
Map(Zone) - Constructor for class
Create a new map with a single zone.
Map(Zone...) - Constructor for class
Create a new map with several zones.
MapTools - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util
A wide variety of different tools for playing around with maps.
MapTools() - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.MapTools
MapTools.Area - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util
Class used for representing the area of a zone.
maximum() - Method in interface me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.Segment
Get a combination of the maximum X and Y values for the segment.
maximum() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.Spline
Get a combination of the maximum X and Y values for the segment.
maxPower() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.MeccanumState
Get the maximum power value in any of the module states.
maxSpeed - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.RobotProfile
The maximum speed of the robot, measured as feet per second.
maxX - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.MapTools.Area
maxY - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.MapTools.Area
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.annotations - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.annotations
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.api - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.api
High-level interface-related code for easily implementing Pathfinder.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config
Different types of Pathfinder configurations.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.core - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.core
The core algorithms and tools behind the ThetaStar pathfinder.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.error - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.error
Errors and exceptions used by Pathfinder.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.finders - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.finders
Different types of pathfinding systems that can be used.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.followers - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.followers
Different types of trajectory followers.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry
Virtualized Euclidean geometry, used in field-mapping.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.json - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.json
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics - package
Mapping and field-mapping.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.maps.frc - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.maps.frc
Pre-built maps for FRC competitions.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.maps.ftc - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.maps.ftc
Pre-built maps for FTC competitions.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.maps.test - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.maps.test
Pre-built maps for general testing purposes.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.math - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.math
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.robot - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.robot
Hardware-related robot component interfaces.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.robot.wrappers - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.robot.wrappers
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.runtime - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.runtime
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.shapes - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.shapes
Common (and uncommon) pre-built geometric shapes.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.thread - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.thread
Multithreading management utilities.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking
Odometric positional tracking based on forwards kinematics.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking.swerve - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking.swerve
Positional tracking for a swerve drivetrain.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking.threeWheel - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking.threeWheel
Positional tracking for a three-wheel unactuated odometry system.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util
A wide variety of commonly-used utilities.
me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.zones - package me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.zones
Common (and uncommon) pre-built zones.
MeccanumKinematics - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics
Forwards and inverse meccanum kinematics.
MeccanumKinematics(Point, Point, Point, Point) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.MeccanumKinematics
Create a new MeccanumKinematics instance that calculates power values and transformations based on the inputted points.
MeccanumState - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics
MeccanumState represents the state of a meccanum drivetrain, where each of the four wheels (colloquially internally referred to as "modules") contains a power value that should be applied to a physical drivetrain.
MeccanumState(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.MeccanumState
Create a new meccanum state.
MeccanumState(ModuleState, ModuleState, ModuleState, ModuleState) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.MeccanumState
Create a new meccanum state.
merge(DynamicArray<DynamicArray<Point>>) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.core.PathfinderManager
Merge several paths into a single path by adding the DynamicArray of points of each of the paths together and then removing any duplicates.
METERS_TO_INCHES - Static variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.Distance
The factor by which an inch measurement should be multiplied to get the same measurement in meters.
metersPerMinute() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.SpeedConverter
Get the speed of the wheel in meters per minute.
metersPerSecond() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.SpeedConverter
Get the speed of the wheel in meters per second.
metersToFeet(double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.Distance
metersToInches(double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.Distance
Convert a distance, given in meters, to a distance, given in inches.
middle - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking.threeWheel.ThreeWheelChassisTracker
The middle/front/back encoder.
MiddleBlock - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.maps.test
Example blocked field.
MiddleBlock() - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.maps.test.MiddleBlock
middleOffset - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking.threeWheel.ThreeWheelChassisTracker
The middle encoder's offset.
midpoint - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Line
The midpoint of the line.
milesPerHour() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.SpeedConverter
This one's just for fun - don't actually use it.
minimum() - Method in interface me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.Segment
Get a combination of the minimum X and Y values for the segment.
minimum() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.Spline
Get a combination of the minimum X and Y values for the segment.
minus(Angle) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Angle
Subtract the input angle from the current angle.
minus(Angle, Angle) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Angle
Subtract angle2 from angle1.
minX - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.SegmentInterpolator
The minimum X value contained in the segment.
minX - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.MapTools.Area
minY - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.SegmentInterpolator
The minimum Y value contained in the segment.
minY - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.MapTools.Area
ModuleState - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics
Represent the state of a single drive motor module.
ModuleState() - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.ModuleState
ModuleState(double) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.ModuleState
monotoneCubic(List<Double>, List<Double>) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.SplineInterpolator
Create a new monotone cubic spline.
MotionSnapshot - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util
A picture - a "snapshot," if you will, of the robot's projected motion.
MotionSnapshot(HeadingPoint, HeadingPoint, double) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.MotionSnapshot
Create a new MotionSnapshot.
Motor - Interface in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.robot
Interface used for making different types of motors compatible with the Pathfinder system.
moveUp(Follower) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.thread.FollowerExecutor
Generate a Runnable that can be executed to progress past the current follower and onto the next one.
mValues - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.SplineInterpolator
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