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- INCHES_TO_METERS - Static variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.Distance
The factor by which an inch measurement should be multiplied to get the same measurement in meters.
- inchesPerMinute() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.SpeedConverter
Get the speed of the wheel in inches per minute.
- inchesPerSecond() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.SpeedConverter
Get the speed of the wheel in inches per second.
- inchesToMeters(double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.Distance
Convert a distance, given in inches, to a distance, given in meters.
- inDirection(HeadingPoint, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.Distance
Create a new HeadingPoint a certain distance away from a direction.
- inDirection(Point, double, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.Distance
Create a new HeadingPoint a certain distance away from a direction.
- inputRotations - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.math.GearRatio
The input component of the ratio.
- inputToOutput - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.math.GearRatio
The ratio of inputs to outputs.
- interpolateFromX(double) - Method in interface me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.Segment
Get a point from the segment based on an X value.
- interpolateFromX(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.Spline
Get a point from the segment based on an X value.
- interpolateFromX(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.SplineInterpolator
- interpolateFromY(double) - Method in interface me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.Segment
Get a point from the segment based on an Y value.
- interpolateFromY(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.Spline
Get a point from the segment based on an Y value.
- interpolateFromY(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.SplineInterpolator
- interpolator - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.Spline
The internal spline interpolator.
- InvalidPathException - Exception in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.error
A type of exception used to signify when a path that was provided by a user is in some way invalid.
- InvalidPathException(String) - Constructor for exception me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.error.InvalidPathException
Throw a new InvalidPathException.
- invertedMonotoneCubic(List<Double>, List<Double>) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.SplineInterpolator
Create a new inverted monotone cubic spline.
- invertX() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.RTransform
Invert the transformation's X value.
- invertY() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.RTransform
Invert the transformation's Y value.
- isAreaEmpty(Map, MapTools.Area) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.MapTools
Is a given area completely void of any zones?
- isDone() - Method in interface me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.followers.Follower
Whether or not the follower has finished its execution.
- isDone() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.followers.LinearFollower
Has the follower finished yet? The follower's finish qualification is determined by whether or not the robot is close enough to the target position.
- isDone() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.followers.TrajectoryFollower
- isEmpty() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.thread.FollowerExecutor
Check whether or not both of the follower array lists are empty, indicating that there's nothing for the pathfinder to do.
- isField(Zone) - Static method in class
Check whether or not a given zone is technically field.
- isInverted - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.Spline
Is the spline's internal interpolator inverted?
- isLineInShape(Line) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Circle
Check whether or not a line enters a shape.
- isLineInShape(Line) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Rectangle
- isLineInShape(Line) - Method in interface me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Shape
Check whether or not a given line is inside the shape.
- isNearPoint(Point, Point, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.Distance
Determine whether or not point A is near point B with a given tolerance.
- isPointInCircle(Point) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.GigaArc
Is a given point contained within the GigaArc?
- isPointInShape(Point) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Circle
See whether or not a point is inside of a shape.
- isPointInShape(Point) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Rectangle
Used to determine whether a given point is inside of the rectangle.
- isPointInShape(Point) - Method in interface me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Shape
Check whether or not a given point is inside the shape.
- isPointInZone(Point) - Method in interface me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Zone
Check whether or not a given point is in a zone.
- isPointNearCircle(Point, double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.GigaArc
Is a given point close to a circle?
- isPointNearShape(Point) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Circle
See whether or not a point is near (within the hitbox of) a certain circle.
- isPointNearShape(Point, double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Circle
Get whether or not a given point is within a certain distance of a circle.
- isPointOnCircle(Point) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.GigaArc
Is a given point ON the radius of a circle?
- isPointOnCircle(Point, double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.GigaArc
Is a given point ON the radius of a circle?
- isPointOnLine(Point) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Line
Check whether or not a given ordered pair lies on the instanced line.
- isSame(HeadingPoint, HeadingPoint) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.HeadingPoint
Are two z points exactly identical?
- isSame(Point, Point) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Point
Are two points exactly identical?
- isSolid() - Method in interface me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Zone
Is the zone a solid?
- isSolid() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.zones.FieldZoneFRC
- isSolid() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.zones.FieldZoneFTC
- isYDown - Static variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.finders.Xygum.FinderConfiguration
When false, (0,0) is located at the bottom left of the grid.
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