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savePoints(String, ArrayList<HeadingPoint>) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.json.JsonIO
Save an ArrayList of HeadingPoints to a JSON file.
scale(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Point
Scale a point based a given value.
scale(double, double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Point
Scale a point based on two scale factors.
scale(HeadingPoint, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.HeadingPoint
Scale a point upwards or downwards by a specific factor.
scale(HeadingPoint, double, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.HeadingPoint
Scale the X and Y values of a point separately.
scale(HeadingPoint, double, double, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.HeadingPoint
Scale a point (z included) by a certain factor.
scale(Point, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Point
Scale a point upwards or downwards by a specific factor.
scale(Point, double, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Point
Scale the X and Y values of a point separately.
scaleMap(Map, double, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.MapTools
Scale a map so that the zones are compatible with the pathfinder.
scaleX(HeadingPoint, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.HeadingPoint
Scale only the X value of a point.
scaleX(Point, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Point
Scale only the X value of a point.
scaleY(HeadingPoint, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.HeadingPoint
Scale only the Y value of a point.
scaleY(Point, double) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Point
Scale only the Y value of a point.
Season2021 - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.maps.frc
2021 season FRC field.
Season2021 - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.maps.ftc
2021 Season FTC field.
Season2021() - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.maps.frc.Season2021
Season2021() - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.maps.ftc.Season2021
sec() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Angle
Get the angle's secant.
segment - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.SegmentInterpolator
The segment which will be interpolated.
Segment - Interface in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory
Trajectory segments are the core components behind trajectories, which are best represented as a combination of segments.
SEGMENT_LIST_TYPE - Static variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.json.JsonIO
Type used for segment lists.
SegmentInterpolator - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory
Instantiable class used in interpreting a segment based on percentage X or percentage Y values.
SegmentInterpolator(Segment) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.SegmentInterpolator
Create a new SegmentInterpolator that will interpolate the provided segment to the best of its ability.
segments - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.Trajectory
The internal container for each of the trajectory's segments.
setCoefficient(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.followers.LinearFollower
Set the linear follower's drive speed coefficient.
setDrive(Drive) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
setDrive(Drive) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder
setDrive(Drive) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderOptions
setFieldHeight(int) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
setFieldWidth(int) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
setFieldX(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderOptions
setFieldY(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderOptions
setFollower(Followers) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
setFollowerType(Followers) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder
setFollowerType(Followers) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderOptions
setGapX(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
setGapX(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderOptions
setGapY(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
setGapY(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderOptions
setMap(Map) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
setMap(Map) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder
setMap(Map) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderOptions
setOdometry(Odometry) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder
setOdometry(Odometry) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderOptions
setPower(double) - Method in interface me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.robot.Motor
Set power to the motor.
setPower(double, boolean) - Method in interface me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.robot.Motor
Set power to the motor.
setProfile(RobotProfile) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
setRawOdometry(Odometry) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
setRobotProfile(RobotProfile) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderOptions
setRobotX(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
setRobotX(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderOptions
setRobotY(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
setRobotY(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderOptions
setSpecificity(int) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
setSpeed(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
Set the speed that linear followers will be executed at.
setSpeed(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder
setSpeed(double) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderOptions
setUsesFast(boolean) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
setUsesLightning(boolean) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
setUsesThetaStar(boolean) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
Shape - Interface in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry
Shapes - the very first thing you learn in pre-school, and virtualized field mapping.
shouldExecute - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.thread.PathfinderThread
shouldRun - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.thread.FollowerExecutor
Should the thread continue its execution.
shouldRun - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.thread.MainThread
SimpleConfig - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config
A simple pathfinder configuration that relies on a lot less input parameters.
SimpleConfig() - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.SimpleConfig
SimpleConfig(Odometry, int, int, double, double, double, double, RobotProfile, Drive, Map, Followers, double) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.SimpleConfig
Create a new PathfinderConfig to be fed to a Pathfinder.
sin() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Angle
Get the angle's sine.
sizeX - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.SegmentInterpolator
The size of the range between the minimum and maximum X values.
sizeY - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.SegmentInterpolator
The size of the range between the minimum and maximum Y values.
specificity - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
The field's "specificity" factor, which determines how double to integer conversions are handled.
specificity - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.core.PathfinderManager
The specificity of the field.
SPECIFICITY - Static variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.SimpleConfig
speed - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfig
The speed that certain types of linear followers should run at.
speed - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.config.PathfinderConfigurationBuilder
SpeedConverter - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics
Convert between wheel speed (-1 to 1) and velocity (in inches per second, most often).
SpeedConverter(RotationalVelocity, WheelSize) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.SpeedConverter
Create a new SpeedConverter instance that can be used to convert between speed values (assigned by states) and real velocities that can be used for odometry purposes.
SpeedConverter(RotationalVelocity, WheelSize, GearRatio) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.SpeedConverter
Create a new SpeedConverter instance that can be used to convert between speed values (assigned by states) and real velocities that can be used for odometry purposes.
SpeedFinder - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.finders
A relatively quick path generator - think of it as an extended version of the LightningFinder.
SpeedFinder(PathfinderConfig) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.finders.SpeedFinder
Create a new SpeedFinder.
spin() - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.BcThread
If the current version of Java is above 9, indicating we have access to the Thread class's onSpinWait() method, we can simply call that method.
Spline - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory
Spline(Arrayable<HeadingPoint>) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.Spline
Create a new Spline that will hit each of the required points.
SplineInterpolator - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory
Interpolate splines by using the Fritsch-Carlson computational method for determining control points for a spline.
SplineInterpolator(List<Double>, List<Double>, double[]) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.SplineInterpolator
start - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.followers.LinearFollower
The follower's start point.
start - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.RTransform
The transformation's start point.
start - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.MotionSnapshot
start() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.thread.FollowerExecutor
Start the follower executor's thread.
start() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.thread.PathfinderThreadManager
Start the pathfinder thread.
start() - Method in interface me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.Segment
Get the point where the segment starts.
start() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.trajectory.Spline
Get the point where the segment starts.
startingPoint - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.Rectangle
The Point where the shape will be drawn from.
startingPoint - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking.PointTracker
The point's starting position/offset.
startTime - Static variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.util.Time
The time at which this library's execution begins.
stop - Variable in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.RTransform
The transformation's stop point.
stop() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.thread.FollowerExecutor
Stop the follower executor's thread.
stop() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.thread.PathfinderThreadManager
Stop the pathfinder thread.
stopRobot() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.api.Pathfinder
Stop the robot's drivetrain from moving.
stopRobot() - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.core.PathfinderManager
Stop the robot's drivetrain.
subtract(HeadingPoint, HeadingPoint) - Static method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.geometry.HeadingPoint
Subtract the value of point B from point A and get the difference between the two points.
swapXY(RTransform) - Method in class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.SwerveKinematics
Swap X and Y values of a translation.
SWERVE - me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.followers.Followers
Use JaciBrunning's Pathfinder library to generate a swerve trajectory and follow it.
SwerveChassisTracker - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking.swerve
Track the position of a swerve chassis with four swerve modules.
SwerveChassisTracker(Encoder, Encoder, Encoder, Encoder, Encoder, Encoder, Encoder, Encoder, double, double, double) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking.swerve.SwerveChassisTracker
Create a new swerve chassis tracker! Yay!
SwerveChassisTracker(SwerveModuleTracker, SwerveModuleTracker, SwerveModuleTracker, SwerveModuleTracker) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking.swerve.SwerveChassisTracker
Create a new swerve chassis tracker.
SwerveKinematics - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics
A variety of mathematical functionality related to kinematics for a swerve chassis.
SwerveKinematics(Arrayable<Point>) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.SwerveKinematics
Create a new SwerveKinematics instance.
SwerveModuleTracker - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking.swerve
Track the position of a swerve module.
SwerveModuleTracker(Encoder, Encoder, double, Point) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.tracking.swerve.SwerveModuleTracker
Create a new swerve module tracker! Woot-woot!
SwerveOdometry - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics
Helper class for determining the position of a robot that uses a swerve drive.
SwerveOdometry(SwerveKinematics) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.SwerveOdometry
Create a new SwerveOdometry instance without using an angle offset or a positional offset.
SwerveOdometry(SwerveKinematics, Angle, HeadingPoint) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.SwerveOdometry
Create a new SwerveOdometry tracker based on a kinematic representation of the swerve chassis, an angle offset, and the current or initial position of the robot.
SwerveState - Class in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics
SwerveState(double, Angle) - Constructor for class me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.kinematics.SwerveState
Sync - Annotation Type in me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder.annotations
Marker interface used for annotating methods that operate synchronously.
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